Just a simple blog on the internet by Chris Spags 🎊

Accountability Pledge May Update

May 29, 2019
I wanted to give a quick update on Accountability Pledge. My goal was to launch the product by the end of May which isn’t going to happen. Unfortunately, I fell into the classic developer trap…

2019 Challenge: Launch One Product Every Three Months

Apr 22, 2019
During the first quarter of 2019, I was solely focused on building my software consulting business. So far this has gone well, and I have enough client work to support myself. Now I am looking to shift towards my primary goal, which is to earn income through selling my own products. My intention for the rest of the year is to launch one product every three months. Product 1: April - June Product 2: July - September Product 3: October - December Why Three Months?

First Steps for Starting Your Own Consulting Business

Apr 8, 2019
I’ve had several friends ask me what steps I took to start my software consulting business. Many people are miserable working at their 9-5 job and want to work for themselves, but don’t where to begin. My advice is to start by figuring out the absolute minimum income that you could live off of. Why do this? One of the scariest parts about starting your own business is giving up the security of a regular paycheck.

Why Start a Blog in 2019?

Mar 26, 2019
The internet and it’s vastness can be so overwhelming. At times it feels like everything that I could want to write about has already been written about. Take a topic like “starting a software development agency”. Google tells me that there are already over 200 million results for this. It’s intimidating to think that I could possibly add anything to the conversation. And yet, I’ve decided to write this blog for two reasons.