Just a simple blog on the internet by Chris Spags 🎊

Not Bored

May 21, 2021
The best thing about being a founder is that you’re rarely bored.

Who do you write for?

Mar 30, 2021
When you write, who do you picture reading your writing?

So really, what is this blog now?

Mar 29, 2021
Come along, as I try to figure this out.

What the hell happened in 2020?!

Mar 28, 2021
You know, besides the global pandemic…

2019 Year in Review

Dec 30, 2019
2019 was a year of both professional and personal growth for me. In my professional life, I quit my full-time job, started consulting, and began launching self-funded products. In my personal life, I completed my first year of no drinking, began a wonderful relationship, and took a couple of great road trips.

Why Aspiry?

Aug 27, 2019
Aspiry was born out of my previous project, Accountability Pledge. With Accountability Pledge, I wanted to help people commit to doing the things they wanted to do, but weren’t, and needed a little extra push.

Thoughts on Writing and Shipping

Aug 6, 2019
I started my blog because I wanted to be helpful and write articles that others could learn from. While noble I guess, this mindset is holding me back from actually writing and publishing. I’ve put this pressure on myself that every article I write needs to be teaching or showing someone how to do something.

What I've Learned About Accountability

Jul 6, 2019
One of the hardest parts about building a solo business is holding yourself accountable. Without a boss or teammates, it’s up to you, and you alone, to get things done. This isn’t always easy, particularly in the age of distraction that we live in. I know some people who are full of intrinsic motivation and are able to just get stuff done. I admire the heck out of them, but personally, I need a lot more help to hold myself accountable.

Why We Bootstrap

Jun 24, 2019
Last week, I attended my first ever pitch meeting. My client is seeking their seed round investment and wanted me to attend. It was an eye-opening experience. Personally, I’ve never had the desire to build a business that required outside investment. And after seeing the pitch process firsthand, I understand why more clearly now.

Productivity Habit: Own the First Hour of Your Day

Jun 4, 2019
I want to share what has become a cornerstone habit of mine for increased productivity and happiness. I call it Owning the First Hour of Your Day.